Xway work on Monerey?๐Ÿ˜Ž

I am clousely lookyng at Xway. Very nice program. But what fears me that: Alot of good apple Intel Macs a stack on Mac Os Monterey and cannot upgrade to next version.

I am not planing any upgrades any fwe more yearsor even more becouse my Mac it is perfectly good and does awrything i need well.

Will XWay work on Monterey?:hugs:

Hi Sasha,

Xway works on any version of macOS from High Sierra (10.13) onwards.

We try to support older versions of macOS for as long as thatโ€™s possible, but eventually we have to drop support because an old version of macOS is no longer supported by Appleโ€™s developer tools.

Monterey (macOS 12) is quite recent, so I think weโ€™ll be supporting it for quite a few years still.

Wow tyhatโ€™s great news!!! Thanks.