Shaky menus in Xway

I have a problem with Xway menus (version 07.b7). The issue appears when the menu position is Relative or Absolute, but not Fixed. It only happens on the working page, when previewing the page, the menu is steady. It’s just rather disconcerting. Any ideas?
I don’t seem to be able to upload the files here, so I’ve put them on YouTube:
It’s woth mentioning that this happens as soon as I ‘insert menu’, so before I edit the menu box

Hi Geoff,

Can you send me a cut-down document?

To create a cut-down document:

  1. Duplicate a document where this happens (File > Duplicate)
  2. Remove any pages that aren’t needed to reproduce the problem (in the duplicated document)

Hi Jeremy. Can you confirm you have received the files? I’m never sure what where emails to Zendesk end up!

Hi Geoff,

I haven’t received any files. Our support address is support at softpress dot com. Is that the address you used?

You can also message me directly on Xway Talk by clicking on the photo next to my posts.

Hi Jeremy. I sent the files to

I’ve resent them now.

This issue is fixed in Xway 0.8.2, which we’re planning to release in the next day or so.