I am using Freeway Pro 7.1.4. I have created an xml file for a website at https://www.xml-sitemaps.com. I saved the xml file to my site folder and also to the resources folder and uploaded my site again. I am trying to submit the sitemap file to Sitemaps at Google Console but it says it can not fetch the file and when I try to find it like this in a browser http://website.com/sitemap.xml or http://website.com/sitemap_index.xml I get a 404.
When I go to Page>Page Actions, I see two options: Site Mapper File Location and Site Mapper Page Actions. I do not see something called Page>Folder Actions as suggested in the Documentation here: Site Mapper Actions suite
When I try to add the File location action I get a Warning that says: ‘Cannot use this action, Apply the site mapper action to the site folder’, which I don’t seem to have the option to do.
If someone can please help I would be most appreciative.