Will xway work with Expression ENgine as it did in version Freeway 5.5

Xway doesn’t wrap markup items in paragraphs etc., unless it is marked as inline content (using the Inline checkbox in the Insert Markup dialog or Box Inspector). I mentioned this in an earlier post about adding PHP within Xway.

Something that we have considered adding to Xway is a way of adding markup at the start/end of a container box via a markup section in the Box Inspector. This would be similar to the Generic Markup section in the Page Inspector (which is equivalent to HTML Markup in Freeway’s Page menu). This might be used to add markup after the start tag and/or before the end tag of a container box (e.g. After <tag> and Before </tag>). Alternatively, if it is also useful to add markup outside a container box, we could have: Before <tag>, After <tag>, Before </tag>, and After </tag>. This avoids the visual clutter of using markup items (which are still useful if you need to insert markup in other places).