Xway 1.0.1 is here!

We have just released Xway 1.0.1. This contains bug fixes and improvements, and one new feature.

You can update by choosing Check for Updates from the Xway (application) menu.

For more information on new features, see the New Features appendix at the end of the Xway User Guide. This contains cross-references to documentation.

New feature:

Check Document can fix deeply nested spans in imported Freeway documents.


  • Improved the way that font URLs are extracted from pasted Google Fonts code.
  • Xway uses less memory when locating and updating graphics.
  • On systems that are later than 10.14, Xway opens the Xway User Guide in Preview.app rather than in whatever happens to be the default PDF reader.
  • Added Acknowledgments to Xway’s Help menu.
  • Improved appearance of Insert Component tool in Dark Mode.

Bug fixes, including:

  • Check Document is not disabled in release builds.
  • Alerts that are displayed from the Upload dialog are readable in Dark Mode.
  • Fixed a scrolling issue for menus that don’t have fixed position.

Thanks for the notice. The update did not fix my issue. I’m still expecting to get you the file so you can check it out, but have been swamped with other priorities.

jonathan wills

thank you again!


1 Like

Just sat down and went through a rebuild of an old home site. Nothing fancy, just working through a sort of recommissioning of stuff done before Xway hit the street. Haven’t touched websites for about 4 years.

I like this product very much. It does seem to be much simpler than Freeway but since I have pretty much forgotten it, adopting Xway is probably way easier.

Did I say I like this product very much?

Well, I do, and look forward to playing with it and pushing the envelope.
Do miss the FW actions though, so going to sniff about .

Well done the Xway team.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Problem with Exhibeo galleries