It’s almost the end of the month, i’m realy keen to find the news of a release and pay the bill for using it soon again… i wiated a ong time for this and heve new projects to look forward!
Do you have a firm release date as now the 28th? I’m literally holding off building a website that I was originally going to start in Dreamweaver. Just checked and no “buy” link yet. Would be great if this week as would like to start in 1.0 not the Beta version.
Xway 1.0 will be released very soon. We’re aiming for tomorrow: 29th October.
We’ve created a new Softpress website with Xway, and we’re making some final updates. This will go live when Xway 1.0 is released.
Hello Jeremy,
Does Xway 1.0 provide the ability to create and manage simple forms?
Hi Michael,
Hosting your own forms has become increasingly problematic as a result of anti-spam measures, so it’s not something Xway currently supports.
The simplest way to add a form is to use an online form generator, and add this to your website via a markup item.
You can also provide contact information using mailto links. There is a “Mailto links” section (under “External links”) in the Links chapter of the Xway User Guide.
3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Xway (and Freeway) serial numbers
Hello Jeremy,
Thank you for the prompt reply….it makes sense.
Bought and downloaded Xway 1.0 today, Jeremy. At first glance I was pleased to see the pulldown menus at the top were significantly familiar compared to Fwy 7. Great. I’ll do some preparatory study of Xway tutorials, then work up the courage to import my Fwy 7.1.4 website into it and check it out.