Xway 1.0 - coming soon!

We plan to release Xway 1.0 later this month!

New features include:

  • Upload
  • Freeway import
  • Templates
  • Improved support for mailto links
  • Navigation menu improvements
  • JavaScript markup improvements
  • New font definitions
  • Check Document (to fix document problems)
  • … and more

The following templates will be available (for free) from our website: Ambient, Ambient Light, Assistant, Esperanto, Fleet, Health, Macro, Portfolio, Retro’d, SecondSight, Serenity, Smile, Snapper, TheBand, and Tranquil.

Ambient and Ambient Light are based on Xway sample documents, the others were converted from Freeway templates via Freeway import, and tidied up using Xway-specific features such flexbox layout and multiple master pages.

Pricing will be similar to Freeway prices:

Xway 1.0: $39
Freeway to Xway upgrade: $19
Discount price for Xway users who don’t have a Freeway serial number: $29


Interesting! Look forward to seeing this. :+1:

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Great, looking forward to seeing Xway break the light of day ;~}}

Keep safe •Stay sane


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Congrats and well done! Looking forward to seeing it in action. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Exciting - count me in!

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Hi Jeremy,

That sounds great. Does Freeway Import means that we can finally import entire Freeway websites? This would sensational.



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Hi Alvaro,

Essentially yes.

Xway can import most of the content, but it doesn’t support table layouts, so it imports table-layout content into inflow CSS boxes. You can use CSS layout features (flexbox etc.) to create flexible CSS layouts, or you can copy the content into new documents that are based on templates - which already have flexible CSS layouts and have been adapted to make use of Xway features (flexbox, multiple master pages etc.).

We used Freeway import as a first step in creating these templates.

The Xway User Guide (for 1.0) has an appendix with advice on how to import Freeway documents. The first paragraph says: “To open a Freeway document choose Open from the File menu and select a file that has a .freeway extension. Xway should open any document that was created by Freeway Pro or Freeway Express from version 5 onwards. This should preserve most of the content (text, links, resources, markup, meta tags, master pages etc.) and styles (fonts, colors etc.) of the Freeway document. It should also preserve much of the layout in documents that use CSS layout.”

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Wow! Great news…really looking forward to it.

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Fantastic news! Look forward very much to working with it. The import freeway document in itself sounds exactly what I’ve been waiting as I have a number of legacy sites that were too big too begin again in xway on their own. So this holds some promise. Many thanks for a bit of good news.

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That is great Jeremy! I do not think we have table layouts in any of the websites we have and it seems that importing from FWY 7 should be smooth. Thank you so much, and I will buy it as soon as you make it available.

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Look forward to using it. What are the prices going to be in pounds sterling?

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Grazie Jeremy! Non vedo l’ora di aggiornare da Freeway a Xway!

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Hallo Jeremy,
ich freue mich schon sehr auf Xway 1.0
Wird es diese Version auch auf deutsch geben?

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Hi David,

I don’t know the answer to that yet, but it will probably be similar to or a bit less than the dollar price. It seems that we have been selling Freeway in US dollars, but some of our products (e.g. Chroma) have alternative prices in pounds and euros.

I’ll update here when I know the answer.

Hi Mulert,

This version will be in English, but there may be other localisations in future (we haven’t looked into that yet).

Hi Everyone

I too am looking forward to the full X-way release; it is a little exciting!

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Well done to all concerned. How will you spend your days now? Xway Actions?
What will the UK price be?

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Hi Geoff,

Xway Actions are on our to-do list.

We don’t have a definite answer yet on the UK price. It seems that we have been selling Freeway in USD only for the past few years, but other products have GBP prices that are slightly less than the dollar price.

I’ll update here when I know the answer.

You are great! Very interesting! Thank you for not stopping!

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Just the best news. Thank you.

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